They'll be coming off watch at staggered intervals, so you'll have to repeat everything half a dozen times.
Ms. Hernandez-Pinero said that the agreement means her agency will be able to better screen homeless families and to place them in public housing at staggered intervals.
These he had positioned at staggered intervals in a narrow ribbon all across the width of the Rhenn just below his forward lines.
The play's characters arrive at staggered intervals, slightly blown and bedraggled, seekers of refuge from the bluster of the outside world.
The units left Texas at staggered intervals from late April through May for deployment overseas to Iraq.
Competitors start at staggered intervals, are individually timed, and are expected to perform all radio direction finding and navigation skills on their own.
At staggered intervals, the creatures turned their muzzles up to bay at the fading sun.
The Americans are arriving in staggered intervals over months, and troops on the ground are beginning to carry out the new strategy, the officers said.
To provide greater continuity in policy, the three commissioners would serve six-year terms at staggered intervals.
In sprints and individual races, biathletes start at staggered intervals, normally of 30 seconds.