This stage represents the first alternative to the status-quo treatment of psychiatric disorders: talk therapy.
By not having the stage represent any one specific era, the play transcends any particular time and represents all times.
The fifth stage, Grummet or aftermath, represents the transition back to chaos.
These stages represent variations of the Thule Tradition as it expanded over time.
The stage that we have now come to represents a very important turning point for the entire situation in the Middle East.
This stage represents a conflict with the id, ego, and superego.
Each stage represents a level of attainment, and serves as a basis for the next one.
Each stage may have represented the inter-generational change from a chief to his successor.
The third stage represents a meditative awareness that exists even in mundane, daily life.
Golf divides the game of life into 18 more or less equal stages; let's assume that each stage, or hole, represents four years.