His dramas are among the most widely read and frequently performed stage pieces in Russia.
In addition to several recent, widely publicized movies, there are at least two stage pieces on Vietnam coming up this month.
It was a popular stage piece in Vienna during the late 1760s and early 1770s.
Then what I would like very much to do is present it as a stage piece, maybe over two or three days.
His stage pieces, radical, intense, unfixed, are long gone and beyond reconstruction.
Here is one adaptation of a stage piece that has no identity crisis.
Their first stage piece, Gilito, was written in 1889.
First performed in 1784, it also proved his most successful stage piece, with 54 performances at various places over the next few years.
Want to work on that as a stage piece with some of my students here - no audience - would you mind?
"Far East" is an entertaining but awkwardly developed stage piece that at times might remind you of notes for a novel.