The American military has staged several military operations in recent weeks to root out insurgents in Anbar in the hopes of making the referendum safer.
Recognizing the danger of disastrous defeat, Davis relied instead on a "defensive-offensive" strategy that sought to defend as much Confederate territory as possible, staging offensive operations only in theaters in which Southern armies were clearly superior.
But immediately after Sept. 11, the Bush administration turned to Mr. Karimov for help in staging American military operations from Uzbekistan.
Combining both intelligence and rapid response teams in mobile squads, Percival and his Essex veterans staged numerous operations to break the back of the IRA.
Rowley found that his small squadron was unable to engage the French frigates and that the nearest British military base, Madras in British India, was much too far to be practical for staging amphibious operations.
He based himself at Bari in southern Italy from which he mounted a successful raid on Corfu and staged operations in the Dalmatian islands and Yugoslavia.
Last year the Government staged military operations to break up several Zapatista-run townships.
Two Japanese naval stations were in the Army net, and it handled both operations and ferrying of aircraft for staging new operations.
In 1916 the German Navy again tried to use the U-boats to erode the Grand Fleet's numerical superiority; they staged operations to lure the Grand Fleet into a U-boat trap.
He staged large military operations in the east as well, but these were largely unsuccessful, at least according to accounts from the empire's rivals.