He gave a performance worthily of a stage melodrama.
As in a stage melodrama, almost all of the action takes place in one room, although there are one or two brief garden scenes.
The following year, George Dibdin-Pitt adapted the story for a stage melodrama.
Senator Richard Neuberger, referring to the old stage melodrama, asked: "What's next week?
So much so that at times "Tryst" plays like an antique stage melodrama as rewritten by the self-empowerment-obsessed producers of "Oprah."
At the same time, the firm produced illustrations of scenes from popular stage melodramas whose plots turned on grand, operatic gestures of self-sacrifice and salvation through love.
It is based on the old Victorian stage melodrama by Augustin Daly popular in the 1860s,1870s and revived periodically for years afterwards.
Scott Marble (1847 - April 5, 1919) was a playwright who wrote the 1896 stage melodrama The Great Train Robbery.
Most of his early films were adapted from stage melodramas or heavily influenced by them.
It was a parody of old stage melodramas.