His small staff was very much occupied with the numerous reports about phantom landings and treacherous civilian actions.
The cooking staff or caterers occupy the hidden kitchen, which is hidden behind closed doors for food production and cleanup.
Baratieri and staff, with the banner of Italy, occupied the high conical hill.
Yet how could the staff occupy him every instant?
He and his staff occupied the conning tower during the engagement, which forced the ship's captain to command the ship from the gun deck.
While Roosevelt was President his staff occupied the second floor.
Carpathia and his senior staff occupied the top floor of the eighteen-story building.
Court members and their staff originally occupied the rooms adjacent to the chamber in the east corridor.
Now its 25-person staff occupies a floor, and other floors have been upgraded and rented out.
One of the issues was that the staff occupied a large section of seats (50 seats) for the six members.