The staff worked hard to get the business working but then more bombs fell in early December leaving little of the buildings.
At the third blow the staff cracked and fell apart.
Here also, the staff fell over themselves to show me their treasures.
Since 1982, the number of hospital patients has declined from 21,200 to 14,500 while staff fell from 36,918 to 28,918.
The staff of the station fell from 251 to 198 employees between 1982 and 1986.
The cloaked man's head snapped back, and the staff fell to the ground.
As the front door closed again, the Executioner looked back to where the staff had fallen.
The staff fell with a clatter, unnoticed, as they took each other into their arms.
From the king's hand the black staff fell clattering on the stones.
Sharp job cuts followed, the total staff fell from 24,000 in 1990 to 19,500 today.