Then you can stack the firewood outside the kitchen door.
Under the terms of surrender the garrison marched out of the city and stacked their arms outside the Portillo gate.
Garbage stacked outside a business, maybe.
Karuw noticed what looked like bodies stacked outside the vessel, and she shivered.
The princes arrived, each with his own band of armed followers, and left their shields and weapons stacked outside the door.
Weary waiters wash and stack plastic chairs outside waffle shops.
Steve Sheridan tumbled from the pile of crates stacked outside his tent.
We gathered her bundles and rode to the fifth floor, where I stacked everything in the hall outside my office.
Kharl's eyes went toward the timbers stacked high outside the shed.
Some offices were empty, their desks covered with fine dust, and there were plasti-board moving boxes stacked outside them.