To both challenges, Romney brought the same virtues: a squeaky-clean image and a fortune built from a successful business career.
The pictures tarnished Chung's "squeaky-clean image", and she apologized to the public for being naive and silly.
But there's concrete damage on one front: the $1 trillion municipal bond market had a safe, squeaky-clean image, but that's gotten quite a blow.
Indeed, the squeaky-clean image of madras practically mandates that it not be paired with anything too formal.
Katherine Jenkins is glad her squeaky-clean image is behind her.
The film was moderately controversial because of Agutter's squeaky-clean image, her youth (only 16 in real life, she played a 14-year-old), and the film's sexual content.
Guilty or innocent, Puckett's squeaky-clean image has already taken a hit.
Both have squeaky-clean images in a game that defied time when it comes to its parade of tainted stars and wretched excesses.
Duncan, of course, with the squeaky-clean image, is the good guy.
I don't know how much you know about that time, but Conklin had this squeaky-clean image.