A door squeaked softly as it opened, then the sound of muted whispering filtered into the bedroom.
Colin leaned slowly back, his chair squeaking softly, and tugged at his nose.
Surprised by the fire lifting from the edge of the swimming pool, they toddled out, squeaking softly at their mother.
He heard the gunman cross the floor, the rubber soles of the combat boots squeaking softly.
His combat leathers squeaked softly as he put his hands behind his head and sat back.
The battered wooden door swung slowly back on its hinges, squeaking softly.
It projected out over a windowless doorway and swung gently in the wind, its iron chain squeaking softly.
The swing moved slowly back and forth, going nowhere, its rusty chains squeaking softly above us.
Sitting on the bed, which softly squeaked beneath his weight, Jake looked around him.
She leaned back in her chair, which squeaked softly.