A bicycle trundled past, its rider hidden beneath an umbrella, two squawking chickens strapped to the handlebars.
She is walking toward the hand pump, the squawking chicken in her grip.
Mr. Joy is at his goofiest when he destroys his fellow dinner guests' appetite for hors d'oeuvres by impersonating the squawking chickens that might have laid the deviled eggs.
Or at Gaspare himself-another squawking chicken, occasionally turning nasty.
We left the food in the truck with the squawking chickens and she bought me a Coke-too sweet but at least it was wet.
When she did work, she wore a black T-shirt emblazoned with a yellow squawking chicken, the chain's logo, as she handed out change, answered the phone or cleaned the tables.
I slammed the door behind the last of the squawking chickens, threw the latch, and seized Lizzie by the arm.
Buster smashes the window, grabs the jewelry box and then grabs Slim and races, Sikes-like, across the roofs, leaving a squawking chicken in his wake.
At night, the frantic men walked boldly to hen roosts and carried off the squawking chickens.