The powerhouse was a squat structure in the middle of the dam.
At the time, Sulan was anything but happy to accept the squat little structure as her home.
His eyes seemed to peer toward the squat structure of a ferryhouse.
Although it stood three stories tall, the library gave the impression of being a low, squat structure.
It was a small squat white structure with a high, pointed steeple.
At the top of the bluff stands a squat structure, pyramidal in shape.
At one side of it was a little squat structure of heavy plastic sunk deep into the ground.
This building is a rather squat 17th-century structure said to have been made from the wood of a single tree.
The restaurant isn't much to look at outside, a squat structure with a sea of parking behind it.
I did not trust my eyes but thought I detected some squat dark structure among the trees there.