Team participating in the NextGen series are limited to a squad size of no more than eighteen members.
Each begins with a briefing that describes such details as objectives, squad size and enemies.
Regardless of squad size it takes genuine experience of doing it as a team to manage both.
This will bring the squad size up to twenty two or twenty three players.
This tournament limited squad sizes to 15 players, of which no more than ten could be Australians.
The student athlete must be on the active roster and a member of the designated squad size for the championship site.
In the second group game the team faced a Chippenham side that was threadbare in squad size.
Frequently the OP's were reinforced to squad size and served as flank security.
While it did not mention specific figures, it cited such areas as pension funding, minimum salaries and squad size.
This move proved beneficial as they were able to recruit more players, doubling their squad size from an average of 20 to over 45.