In 1971 the first squad falls in Promozione, but after two years finishes first.
His squad had fallen into the new formation and started forward through the smoke when all hell broke loose.
It was true, the entire squad had fallen through the deck into a fortified Klingon position.
The two squads fell in behind the mage and the undercaptain.
In 1991 he rejoined Brabham, but the squad had fallen even further down the grid and good results were sparse.
The mortars were right on target: Rick saw whole squads fall in the center of the enemy ranks.
A squad of six Jem'Hadar had fallen back to pursue them.
It was halftime at the 1968 tournament, and his squad had fallen far behind Duke in a first-round game.
The squad fell back to a heavy German emplacement.
In 1965, the squad fell to fourth place in the tournament and were knocked out in the quarterfinals, the following year.