His fate has become ensnared with that of the 8 survivors among 13 Japanese who were kidnapped by North Korea beginning in 1979 to work in the country's spy program.
The thing is full of transcription errors and was stored on a computer whose memory core was corrupted by backdoor spy programs.
Series with a political framework are always at risk of being dated, and the cold war backdrops of these three spy programs definitely reflect an old world order.
Since then, the CIA has beefed up its spy program, training many new officers.
But he couldn't ask anybody outright to help him figure out why his spy programs weren't catching Achilles's sign-ons and reading his keystrokes.
At the time, the spy program was well under way.
Senate Republicans, too, are raising questions over the legal authority the White House has advanced to justify the spy program.
She had thought asking him to take her round his spy program might cheer him up a bit.
This is one of Julian's spy programs, and I'm the punch line.
The American public needs to know what's really going on with this spy program.