The person whose statements to the police in 2001 formed "the backbone of the indictment" was a spy named Tuncay Güney, alias "İpek".
A spy named Alastor learned this, and alerted the young woman he loved... Marian.
Through Lelldorin, Garion exposes a plot to kill King Korodullin and to start a war with a neighboring country, masterminded by a spy named Nachak.
The novel begins in Albania, where a spy named Paul Dimiter is tortured by the authorities.
Two English spies, named Porpentine and Goodfellow, are sitting in a cafe in Upper Egypt.
After defeating the syndicate, Hero meets an old friend of his father's, and the brother of Marcia of the Steel Hearts,- a spy named Sergei.
For the first stage of his plan, Walsingham used a spy named Gifford to act as a double agent.
They sent a spy named Kiefer to investigate, but communications were lost while he was investigating a uranium mine.
There was another spy that Bowser would work in coalition with, named Thomas McNiven.
During the process of investigating, Michael accidentally burned a spy named Jesse Porter.