He also sprinkles herbs from his garden on the jewelry that he designs.
Pierre Thiam, the chef and co-owner, sprinkled fresh herbs over plates and carried them out himself.
They'd painted strange symbols upon his chest, sprinkled herbs and chanted.
Then she sprinkled herbs in a circle around the candle: sage, for immortality, and cinnamon, for love.
He watched as the fox sprinkled "magic herbs" on the pillow, reciting another strange spell as she did so.
I still sprinkled herbs into his food every day.
The Witch wiped sweat and sprinkled herbs onto the coals.
He sprinkles interesting herbs on his dishes and combines ingredients in fascinating ways.
Winnie sprinkled herbs into a pot on the stove.
He sprinkles herbs over the next round of pizzas and our drinks arrive: coca-cola, beer, cava, orange juice.