In addition, many small bus companies have sprung up in recent years to feed on the growing bus-charter business.
A number of startup companies have sprung up in recent years, hoping to create a space tourism industry.
Having sprung up in recent years, the companies owe their viability to the Internet.
This is also true of some thirty private universities which have sprung up in recent years.
A grassroots community of bloggers with bipolar disorder has sprung up online in recent years.
I hope it will be rigorously academic, and exclude the pretend subjects that have sprung up in recent years.
These stores have sprung up in recent years to cater to the growing number of working women earning at least $50,000 a year.
The Cleveland plan is another in a series of such efforts that have sprung up in recent years.
A number of paramilitary groups have sprung up across the United States in recent years.
But a whole crop of dynamic younger ensembles have sprung up in recent years, and many are well worth hearing.