The footman sprang about in terror, and his eye fell upon the amulet.
They sprang about, tossing their long, hairy arms in the air and howling with exultation.
The thug sprang about, hearing a cry from the driver of the coupe.
He sprang about, diving for the door of the bedroom, hoping to fire as he ducked.
The door reached the guard's shoulder, and he sprang about, alarmed.
Now he who had drunk first began to spring about in a ludicrous fashion, and presently was joined in his dance by the other two.
Springing about, Mandon sprang for the window, crashed through and landed on the ground outside.
Judge Noy heard the sound, sprang about from the radio.
One can spring about in the large shining valleys!
"You get one major company in a geographic area, like in Detroit, and others naturally spring about."