Almost daily, this sprightly woman, not quite 5 feet tall, can be seen scooting down 125th Street on her 25-minute walk to the public hospital.
She is now 32, a sprightly woman with dark hair knotted in a ponytail who lives in the South Bronx and peddles fruit salads in the summers.
A melancholy man should mate himself with a sprightly woman, and vice versa; for otherwise they will grow weary of the monotony of each other's company.
She was a small, sprightly woman, probably nearing retirement age, and she wore an abundance of nondescript costume jewelry.
But, for example, the sprightly little woman was very sure of it, she said.
"During the war it was like this," said Masako Aoki, a sprightly woman clutching the bag of rice she had just bought for her children and grandchildren.
She is said to be a fine sprightly young woman.
Among them were a lawyer who devoted thousands of hours to his case for free and a sprightly woman who met him on a visit to prison and married him.
The lecture that night was given by a sprightly, grey-haired American woman, and was on the subject of the doctrine of Theosophy.
But Ms. Ramishvili, a sprightly woman of 78 whom everyone calls Mama, is still active.