A. There's a limit to how local any paper can be in a sprawling region.
It may seem impossible to pick out a serial killer roaming the highways of a sprawling metropolitan region, but the task is far from hopeless.
Additionally, not every restaurant in a sprawling region as large as Long Island has an equal opportunity to garner votes.
Los Angeles County is made up of 88 independent cities, a sprawling region that is difficult for any one organization to cover.
Nagano Prefecture (similar to a state) is a sprawling, mountainous region of 5,200 square miles, with around 2.1 million inhabitants.
Thorndyke had called the sprawling region within that towering wall of rock and earth a "cave world."
Inner Mongolia has 25 cases officially, though the number of patients being treated in at least five places around the sprawling region appears to be significantly higher.
Without quite noticing it, the New York area has transformed itself into a sprawling, dispersed region that more than ever resembles Los Angeles.
A sprawling region of spindly, leafless tree trunks surrounded a marshy fen.
Where in that sprawling region was Ann?