It was a sprawling grand mass of stone, set amid the most beautiful park they'd ever seen.
The place was a sprawling mass of warrens.
Sela looked through the center gate to see green grass rolling away toward the distant sprawling mass of the enemy's camp.
The city desk is gone, alas, crushed under the great sprawling mass of the metropolitan desk.
To the north, however, a sprawling gray mass thrust its rocky head above the sand.
This plant is a hardy garden perennial and it forms a sprawling mass of red flowers during the whole of the summer.
The City is a sprawling mass of neighbourhoods, each one geared to the interests and tastes of its residents.
It was a sprawling mass of decentralized companies, and as a rule, the left hand seldom knew what the right one was doing.
I saw it as a vague sprawling mass, blacked out against our cannon and bombers.
Yedo was a sprawling mass which seemed to him to be made up of hamlets separated merely by roads or streams.