Along Route 3, the main thoroughfare traversing the peninsula from west to east, there are no sprawling malls, few fast food restaurants and few billboards.
The closest you can get to suburbia in Manhattan is A&S's sprawling, too-bright mall, and out-of-towners, not surprisingly, are Sun Gear's typical customers.
With two hours of unseasonably balmy daylight remaining, Saturday crowds strolled the sprawling open-air mall, more to bask in the sun and to people-watch than to shop.
Nearby stand the kitschy Opryland Hotel and a sprawling mall called Opry Mills.
The Taubman Companies, the parent company of West Farms, a sprawling mall that straddles West Hartford and Farmington, has spent more than $296,000 campaigning against it.
Situated in Bellville, the Tyger Valley shopping centre is a sprawling mall with a huge variety of shops, boutiques and recreational facilities.
The Prestonwood Town Center is a sprawling mall encircled for miles by the well-kept neighborhoods, gleaming office buildings, popular restaurants and busy highways of north Dallas.
The first is scheduled to appear by next summer in a sprawling suburban mall at Tysons Corner, Va., outside Washington.
Medrick led him to a no-name eatery in a sprawling one-story half-empty mall where most of the parked cars were the largest Cadillacs made twelve years ago.
By the mid-1970s, the Bardstown Road corridor was in decline, and local leaders saw the sprawling mall as the epicenter of the problems.