This sprawling collection of interactive exhibits is a wonderful place for children of all ages.
And it was less a single group of writers than a sprawling collection of sub-scenes.
Ahead lay what appeared to be a sprawling collection of hovels.
The sprawling collection of thirteen oversized beige brick buildings looked like any kind of 1970s institution.
The Imperialist armies, a sprawling, disorganized collection of men and their camp followers, kept falling back.
The Shelburne Museum is a sprawling collection of historic buildings and exhibits, and well worth a visit.
It reached to the edge of the field, a sprawling collection of shops, houses, small factories and stores.
This was a traditional Botswana village, a sprawling collection of small, mud-coloured houses, dominated by a granite hill.
But the Internet, a sprawling collection of computer networks, has the opposite structure - decentralized and global.
The American Lawyer called it "a sprawling and ribald collection of salacious scandals."