So the spouse cancels appointments to show the property, or leaves the place a mess.
He said the company had not asked anybody to move out but offered to help spouses or younger children leave Beijing if they wanted.
And it's as simple as that, all you have to concern yourself is does the surviving spouse have enough left to live on?
The majority have a house and modest savings and are trying to protect a spouse left in the community from being impoverished.
In 1467 her spouse left the position and went to Finland.
Some had the burden of having spouses leave them.
The spouse can then leave $600,000 additionally to heirs tax free.
Students and spouses leave school and home to find their first jobs.
These days, the abused spouse moves out, and sometimes leaves the city, sometimes the planet, but more often than not stays in the same area.
Either spouse could leave a marriage at any point.