Fantasy owners should prepare for spotty performances in the short-term and keep their fingers crossed that we don't have any serious aggravation.
This praise came at a time when Viktor Korchnoi gave a spotty performance and thus may be taken as all the more sincere.
Allen had a few spotty performances early in the season but has played especially well in the last four games.
Others, noting the initially spotty performance of the rebuilt cars, regard the program more warily.
Advantica has struggled with spotty financial performance since he led it out of bankruptcy in 1998.
O'Reilly, in his second season as Boston's coach, was concerned about the spotty performances turned in by players who ought to have known better.
The midquarter update came as a relief to investors after Intel's spotty performance last year, when the company missed important deadlines and ultimately adjusted its strategy.
(Maybe the way to improve American students' spotty performances is to reward them with a shot on national television.)
Gooden had an earned run average of 1.06 in that series, and yet today he listened to a question about his "spotty performance" in post-season play.
But he dropped the Rachmaninoff after a single, reportedly spotty performance, to the chagrin of concertgoers who had paid up to $150 to hear both works.