They argued that the celebrated dark spots on its brilliant surface indicated a cool zone below a layer of white-hot air.
The Shadow caught a view of a muffled face; round, blackened spots indicated dark spectacles that the man was wearing.
Even today, tiny spots of green indicate that this area contains more open garden space than the city center.
Dark blue spots indicate areas of extreme rain, and the largest area is in northwest Mindanao.
He finally reached the spot indicated on the small but detailed map Wolf had provided for him through his staff intelligence people.
A recent visit to the bay indicated that geese no longer frequent the spot.
The name is unfortunate, for the spots do not indicate a disorder of the liver.
The black spot indicates the conurbation in the central departament.
Other dark spots usually indicate that the stain has penetrated the wood.
One spot of orange in the cloud cover indicated a volcanic eruption.