Two rounds of public, online peer review were utilized to spot errors and inconsistencies in the new score, as compared to Bach's manuscript.
Good spellers "see" words; they spot errors the way an inspector on an automobile assembly line picks out defects.
Because this is an unsupervised classification problem, the lack of a gold standard makes it difficult to spot errors in the results.
He also had an encyclopaedic knowledge of boxing and a rare gift for spotting errors of style and weakness in performance.
The Federal Aviation Administration has acknowledged a nationwide problem in spotting errors and had previously cited undercounting at the Dallas/Ft.
In any case, a transcript would be perfectly acceptable; he could trust his memory to spot errors or deletions.
This can be used to spot errors in formula or calculations.
Presumably they are paid their fabulous salaries to spot errors such as these.
It believes that teachers should be trained to spot certain errors in English usage.
Quality checkers often are capable of doing other fansub jobs, or have some overall knowledge of the fansubbing process, as well as an eye for spotting various errors.