In Lagos, police were called out to protect the sports ministry from a crowd of unhappy fans, and team members openly denounced the decision.
Unlike most other nations, the United States does not have a sports ministry.
He served as a member of standing committee on youth and sports ministry.
"Officials at the sports ministry are completely out of touch with reality," Vlasov said.
A sports ministry is the name given to religious sponsored organisations that use sport to promote links between the religion and the broader population.
He also facilitates the network of sports ministries in North America and teaches leadership.
The French sports ministry, after phone calls and questions sent via e-mail to a spokeswoman, shed no light on the case.
Now, he is known for his inspirational speaking, sports marketing, and sports ministry.
He was given time off by the sports ministry, his employer as national coach, to train.
The department also emphasizes sports ministry and social seminars to reach youth outside the church.