The university organises a number of sports classes ranging from martial arts to general fitness.
In Europe, it is common that all students take a shower together after sports classes.
Catholic High is one of few schools with a in-campus sports class, where its students go through a rigorous sports and academic course.
During summer term, sports classes sometimes take place there.
The class of '09 was the greatest sports class to go through the school.
The higher-cost "sports" classes were dropped after 1996, leaving the class format as it would stand until 2010.
A Muslim did not wear shorts and T-shirts, even to sports class.
At the end of the event, the class with best results will be named "the best sports class".
One factor was the insistence of the students on wearing the scarf during sports classes, which was deemed inappropriate attire for such an activity.
It also holds various sports classes for the Indiana University School of Physical Education.