Although the direct threat from Confederate forces was over, sporadic raids continued until the war's end.
Kundalan life had begun to break down, and the sporadic raids perpetrated by Khagggun packs terrorized the countryside into a state of semiparalysis.
She remained on station until the 9th, directing combat air patrol (CAP) fighters put to meet sporadic raids of one, two, and three planes.
The Confederates would never return, although sporadic small raids continued until the war's end.
There were sporadic raids where a few horses were taken or a cow slaughtered by unknown parties.
Apart from these isolated and sporadic raids the 2nd DLM did not make any further attempts to attack the 4th Pz.
The police also no longer staged their sporadic raids, but that was small consolation, he said.
Skirt the hill and continue sporadic raids from the north side.
With such a strategic position, Danmaje continued the campaign by intensifying his sporadic raids.