The attitude of the doctors then usually forces patients to conceal their spontaneous feelings about the information.
I wondered if he might not have some spontaneous feeling in my defence.
'Atishikshan' is a compilation of poems infused with spontaneous feelings.
His attempt, however, also prompted spontaneous feelings of monarchism and sympathy towards the royal couple among the Greek population.
In contrast, the pianist used the score, turned his own pages and made just enough small errors to give the evening a homier, more spontaneous feeling.
This is a question to which I feel compelled, not merely by my spontaneous feelings but on rational grounds, to return an unqualified "yes."
It wouldn't have been the first time that he had allowed himself the luxury of giving way to a spontaneous feeling.
The Fantasy bond is a type of relationship where the basic tie is based on routines and roles, rather than spontaneous feelings.
It's a spontaneous feeling; you can put it all down in one go.
It gives the musical a dimension of spontaneous feeling and explosive life that can be generated in no other way.