In most cases, the designs aren't sketched beforehand - they are the artist's spontaneous creation.
Americans have long engaged in spontaneous secular creation of memorials.
Don't forget that spontaneous creation is going on all the time all over the universe as well.
He once wrote that his free-floating art events offered a chance "to take part in spontaneous creation, constant opportunity to make choices."
It is not a spontaneous creation or entity, but a carefully constructed social position.
The official explanation was The spontaneous creation of a bit at the position 13 in the memory of the computer.
Total unity of artist and his art: spontaneous creation.
Self-organization (the spontaneous creation of coherent forms) sets in as activity levels link to each other.
The followers of this man do not think at all; he was theil act of spontaneous creation.
Also, there was one known mechanism for creating it: the universal background of spontaneous creations.