Pledges at the conference, sponsored by the World Bank and the European Commission, brought total aid to more than $3 billion.
Sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency and the World Bank, it was a complete flop.
The town is being modernised with the help of a programme sponsored by the World Bank which is financing the programme through the Government of Kerala.
The program is sponsored by the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank and the World Health Organization.
The writer Arundhati Roy is famous for her anti-nuclear position and her activism against India's massive hydroelectric dam project, sponsored by the World Bank.
This was the largest study to date in China sponsored by the World Bank, covering about a quarter of the country's population and GDP.
The decision to increase aid was made by a consortium of six countries and eight international organizations at a meeting in Tokyo sponsored by the World Bank.
A number of aid programs sponsored by the World Bank and the IMF have been cut off since 1993 because of corruption and mismanagement.
A new mining code, sponsored by the World Bank, is supposed to make things easier, but the constant requests for bribes continue.