But it will not sponsor terror nor threaten its Kurds and Shiites with genocide.
The fact of the matter is the big difference here, Gwen, is that they are not prepared to deal with states that sponsor terror.
Our second goal is to prevent regimes that sponsor terror from threatening America or our friends and allies with weapons of mass destruction.
Why U.S. Put Sudan on List The Sudan does sponsor terror, Washington says, but there is no clear evidence of a link to reported bomb plots in New York.
Jalal Sayah, deputy governor of Sistan and Baluchestan Province, accused the United States of sponsoring terror and hiring mercenaries to attack Iran.
Regimes that sponsor terror are developing these weapons and the missiles to deliver them.
The first example of the Bush strategy of hot pre-emption was, of course, the U.S. strike against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, where the Taliban regime was actively sponsoring terror.
They are mistaken. . . . For every regime that sponsors terror, there is a price to be paid, and it will be paid.
And almost every state that actively sponsors terror is known to be seeking weapons of mass destruction, and the missiles to deliver them at longer and longer ranges.
Similarly, we oppose Iranian efforts to sponsor terror.