A spokesman for Governor Schwarzenegger released a statement that Marin had violated administration policy that prohibits public officials from receiving speaker's fees.
A spokesman for the archdiocese, Joseph Zwilling, released an account that dovetailed with what the protestors said unfolded in the church on Monday night.
The pope's spokesman, Joaquín Navarro-Valls, released a terse defense noting that Benedict had referred in his sermon to attacks in "recent days."
His spokesman, Paolo Buonauti, released a statement calling the charges "false theories - shameful and impossible."
A spokesman for the Highway Patrol would not release the names of the two dead inmates.
A spokesman for the consortium released a statement that said "this is tangible evidence of the significant risk reduction program that has been achieved" at the fund.
Israeli spokesmen released to journalists a three-page list of "prominent terrorists" freed, including their pictures and offenses.
Mr. Thatcher's spokesman, Lord Bell, released a statement in which Mr. Thatcher said he is "innocent of all charges made against me."
His spokesman, Joel Sawyer, later the same day released a statement saying he was taking time out from the office to recharge his batteries after a tough legislative session.
A spokesman for Prime Minister Harper released a statement saying Ritz's comments were tasteless and completely inappropriate.