There is a split opinion on live deer.
The nature of this split opinion created controversy over whether Powell's opinion was binding.
The issue of the club's nickname has created split opinions amongst it supporters.
This action infuriated the council, and split opinion in the town.
But in Dan Reeves's case, the split over his first name and surname symbolizes the split opinion on the coach around the Giants now.
In a split opinion, the Court held that the Surgeon General's warning did not preclude suit by smokers against tobacco companies on several claims.
This decision was contentious and soon split opinion in Newlyn.
Issues like these split public opinion at Africa Source 2 along the spectogram of various possible positions.
Anyway, normally with these copyright / piracy articles there's some sort of split opinion in the comments.
The net agreement (% agree minus % disagree) is +3, indicating a split opinion.