The variety of raw, splintery wood he uses to fabricate his works is similar to the type used by the makers of lobster traps.
It was old grey wood, splintery and plain . . . but it stood to the right of the door through which she'd entered.
Mr. Kilham pointed out scratch marks and gently touched the numerous bear hairs stuck to the splintery wood.
He tottered in on legs like slats of splintery wood.
Cold iron and splintery wood closed off the only holes through the piled stones that hemmed them in.
His left hand was clutching a beam of splintery wood with a hold that could scarcely support his body.
The splintery wood connected me to reality somehow.
I was hanging, both hands locked around this splintery wood, staring up at them as they rimmed the mouth of the crypt.
Rydell went to the old ladder bolted to the wall and started up, feeling damp splintery wood against his palms.
Ishmael's hand groped for and found the splintery wood of the rail of the sidewalk stair; he did not take his eyes from the hills.