Raul followed, walking barefoot through the smashed instrumentation and splintered furniture, to the inner sanctum.
And now Jake saw a narrow alley in the not-quite-haphazard pile of concrete, splintered furniture, rusted plumbing fixtures, and chunks of trucks and automobiles.
He took it to the pile of splintered furniture that had been laced with powder from the dragoons' carbine ammunition.
As she and two companions picked their way through splintered furniture, old tires and other trash, the beam from her flashlight fell on a tire hanging on a small upright stone.
One glimpse at the splintered furniture, the splashes of blood on the wallpaper, told her she had not been dreaming.
As evening approached, a few dozen people were still wandering the extinguished neighborhood, a desolation of splintered furniture and crushed cinderblocks the size of a football field.
I took Stark into the house, and together we examined the shattered windows, the splintered furniture, and the bullet-pocked headboard in "my" bedroom.
The floor was peaceful and serene, with only the fragments of splintered furniture and one man in a gaudy neo-samurai outfit, out cold on the floor, to bear witness to the brawl.
"We tried to close the door, but the Dobermans decided to crash through the windows," he said as he surveyed cartons of broken glass and splintered furniture.
And when it was gone, so were they-leaving behind a battlefield scattered with rubble, splintered furniture, and six very, very still bodies.