Fuchs was a favorite of Brahms, who called him "a splendid musician," high praise indeed from that demanding master.
Saturday, in the hands of some splendid young musicians from the Curtis Institute, it became a string quartet.
They're nomads, Captain, truly splendid musicians and entertainers who live on board their ships.
She is in both moods a splendid musician; the attention to rhythm, phrase length and pitch legitimized the emotion.
Mr. Stern has always been a splendid and principled musician.
Richard smiled, He was a splendid musician for his age and could play both piano and violin beautifully.
Did you know Raimon is a splendid musician?
I suppose we should be grateful to have two such splendid musicians playing this music at all.
What splendid musicians these players are, eloquent and sure to the last rows of the string sections.
Lev Vlassenko is a splendid musician - clever and talented.