We had the most splendid lunch in a fish restaurant we came across.
I'm sure Adam gave you a splendid lunch, but you must have some sort of an appetite by now.
We went back to the commune headquarters to have a splendid lunch (while the poor Chinese participants ate their sandwiches in another building).
With tip and two drinks, a splendid lunch came to $28.
After a simply splendid lunch, Bari Logan introduced us to the art of long term preservation from the medical school anatomist's point of view.
Altogether about 50 were at the reunion which included a splendid lunch.
It might be a bit much as the beginning of a meal, but it would make a splendid lunch.
All bean dishes are good cold and make a splendid lunch if there is enough left over the next day.
By the time the jury was seated for the afternoon session, everyone present had heard the story of their splendid lunch.
That fresh green delight, along with Venere's free garlic knots, would make a splendid lunch any time.