It's now being restored and is destined to be the splendid new home of the city's maritime museum.
There is a splendid home I know of run by a first-class man.
But the big news there was the company's splendid new home, an inviting, sleek and intimate house that seats just 2,000.
This splendid home would belong to my grandchild if only you had done your duty and borne a son.
He was impressed by all the splendid homes, churches and mercantile establishments.
In all, Caer Edyn provided a splendid home for a boy.
Garbage bags and empty cans make splendid homes for roaches.
I've often thought that it would make a splendid home.
D'you know what happened after that, at my splendid home as you called it?
Because White Haven had what those new and splendid homes' owners simply couldn't buy, however hard they tried.