"A splendid addition to my collection."
The city's array of recreational amenities will have a splendid addition in the near future.
The historical association has risen to the occasion with a splendid new addition to its building.
(What a splendid addition this, too, would make to the usual symphonic programming.)
Don't tell Mosul I said so, but she'll make a splendid addition to the family.
When its successful 1847 version was to be brought to Paris in 1865, he made splendid additions and emendations.
He'll be a splendid addition to the household.
And this splendid addition to the resources of humanity ... The second commercial cut Jamison off.
This organ seems a splendid and powerful addition to St. Ignatius Loyola.
She will make a splendid addition to the squadron of Sebastian Bey.