It's the sort of spiteful thing Mallina might do, just because she can't ride a decent horse.
What would make you say such a spiteful thing?
She does spiteful things to try to hurt him, and he spends as much time away from home as possible.
It seemed such a very purposeless, spiteful thing to do, especially at the time.
Obviously, what I had done was a very spiteful thing, not to mention a class A felony.
When Peter suddenly asked him the question he decided all at once to do the meanest and most spiteful thing he could think of.
With this talent, he begins to call the students' parents and say spiteful things to them.
Even when I was mean to her face and said the most spiteful things, she could find some reason to thank me.
"It was a spiteful thing since it ruined the world even for the Grays."
It was a spiteful thing to say, I'll grant you, but her calm indifference to the death of over half my species offended me.