Five sung syllables, and the portrait of spiritual wholeness, of repose beyond the grave, is already timeless and complete.
They are committed to the person's physical, spiritual, emotional, and social wholeness.
Here, wellness is viewed as a quest for spiritual wholeness.
Men seeking spiritual wholeness came to the Temple to visit priestesses-or hierodules-with whom they made love and experienced the divine through physical union.
A picaresque, often hilarious novel, about a wealthy woman's search for love following a family tragedy, that ponders how individuals achieve spiritual wholeness.
To some people, the popularity of "Touched by an Angel" is straightforward evidence that Americans yearn for spiritual wholeness.
However, spiritual wholeness also requires the outward swing of the pendulum - from receiving to sharing.
One feels a heart-rending yearning in his paintings, not just for peace but also for spiritual wholeness.
In the rhapsodic passage with which "Spring" ends, wildness and Nature are again evoked as good, necessary for our spiritual wholeness.
It takes Ms. Laurin some time to emerge toward a theme of spiritual wholeness, if that's what it is.