The figure, animated by the spiritual impulse to levitate, with arms extended like a human bird, seems to detach itself from the cross and fly.
He unmistakably provided the spiritual impulse for the painters of nature that would later dominate The Hague school.
During this time, in Amalia's mind, spiritual and sexual impulses are seeming to converge.
"I feel it came out of a spiritual impulse," Mr. Martin said.
"The Midsummer Marriage" is an opera of ideas - or better, of spiritual impulses.
This secularization policy sprang from a profoundly spiritual impulse.
But physical direction didn't matter; spiritual impulse was what counted.
The status of his feelings and spiritual impulses is less clear - his affect seems partial, only flickeringly active.
While arguing the need for more theology, he warned against 'dry rationalism' that would stifle the spiritual impulse.
It is a non-denominational practice which answers the spiritual impulse without the need for dogma or belief.