Born in Henan province of China in 602 or 603 CE, he displayed signs of intellectual and spiritual greatness even at an early age.
All men once more lived in love to God and their neighbor, and, secure in an eternal compact, began marching on harmoniously to the sublime end of spiritual greatness.
But like many Americans we have found ourselves disturbed by a culture of increasing coarseness and a gnawing sense that America's spiritual greatness had dimmed.
Then he met Abul-Qasim Mohammad Al-Junayd and recognised his spiritual greatness: "O revered One!
It does not, for example, have the spiritual greatness of his Bach "Concerto Barocco."
A cripple, who lacks the spiritual greatness of Cervantes, hopes to find relief by adding to the number of cripples around him.
Therefore God gives humanity hujja to help lead man toward God and His spiritual greatness.
Years before she helped to establish the Richmond temple, Kamala's guru had told her "the price of spiritual greatness is seclusion."
Though, Visoba refused to acknowledge Dnyaneshwar and Muktai, but after knowing their spiritual greatness he became their disciple.
The responsibility of freedom presses us toward higher knowledge and, I believe, moral and spiritual greatness.