Its meaning is metaphorical - the Temple as the symbol of spiritual elevation.
This child's poor sinful sister has had the spiritual elevation of finding a place in the household of a very important man, in die cardinal.
The deep collapse and yawning chasm of your ineptitude leaves me upon a perilous spiritual elevation.
And he capped this insult by giving paintings to museums for the spiritual elevation of the poor.
Because poetic justice insists that a spiritual elevation compensate for a lesser intelligence?
The ultimate objective must also include the necessary spiritual elevation and understanding which make possible each individual's constructive participation in creating Paradise on Earth.
"To you, Lyystra, and your spiritual elevation."
Ginsburgh also supports the rebuilding of the Jewish temple, believing that this would facilitate spiritual elevation and hasten redemption.
The receiving of the Torah required spiritual elevation and active cooperation.
As a result of this, siddhis, spiritual powers, are available to them - which they use for the spiritual elevation of living beings.