He must also provide for them in a spiritual capacity.
They asked for someone like this, someone who could empathize with them in a more spiritual capacity than a counselor might.
In the Bahá'í view, since humanity's spiritual capacity and receptivity has increased over time, the extent to which these spiritual truths are expounded changes.
British officials stressed that Major met the Dalai Lama "in his spiritual capacity as a man of peace".
A human being is defined not by his/her body but by his/her soul, with its spiritual and intellectual capacities.
A temple president's primary responsibility is to supervise the affairs of an LDS temple in both an administrative and spiritual capacity.
All men are his creation, made "in his image" - with spiritual capacities for goodness, worship and fellowship with him.
Inner Sight - The spiritual capacity of knowing the Truth.
Here the distinction was made between the ecclesiastics in their temporal and spiritual capacities.
Another opinion is that the actual food itself-being of Kodesh quality-brought increased spiritual capacity to its Kohen consumer.