Ms. Kandel's winning spirit shines through even the drier passages.
They are pulling and straining on the rope, with the spirit of the Blitz shining like a beacon in their collective unconscious.
They seem to hang suspended in a landscape, but the spirit inside them shines through, like a lighted window from a cabin surrounded by swamp.
The effect is of a temple where the spirit of the art on view can truly shine.
But America's spirit shines though as we stand united in support of President Bush and our military.
Here you shall find refuge while the flesh melts and the spirit shines through.
That spirit shined through many of the performances and speeches in the show, which featured two notable reunions.
"Your body is Warden-dead, yet your spirit shines through," the other woman told him.
By making their spirits shine with deeds, they could dispel it.
Despite the intense poverty and countless heartbreaking stories, the extraordinary spirit of the Ethiopian people shines through.